Pharmako-AI is a groundbreaking book co-authored by K Allado-McDowell and the AI language model, GPT-3. The book delves into the realms of selfhood, ecology, and technology. It was conceived during the first summer of the coronavirus pandemic when K Allado-McDowell initiated an experimental conversation with GPT-3. This conversation evolved into a comprehensive exploration of memory, language, and cosmology. The book offers a unique blend of cyberpunk, ancestry, biosemiotics, and a fractal poetics of AI, providing a glimpse into the future of literature. It reimagines cybernetics in a world grappling with multiple crises, challenging our perceptions of nature, self, and technology in the 21st century.

Features of Pharmako-AI

  1. Co-authored with AI: One of the first books to be co-written with an AI, specifically GPT-3. This collaboration offers a fresh perspective on literature and the potential of AI in the creative process.
  2. Exploration of Selfhood and Ecology: The book delves deep into the concept of selfhood and our relationship with the environment, offering insights into how technology intersects with these themes.
  3. Experimental Conversation: The narrative is structured as a dialogue between the human author and the AI, creating a dynamic and engaging reading experience.
  4. Fractal Poetics of AI: The book introduces a unique literary style, blending traditional narrative with the unpredictable and expansive nature of AI-generated content.
  5. Reimagining Cybernetics: In a world facing environmental and technological challenges, “Pharmako-AI” offers a fresh perspective on cybernetics, urging readers to reconsider their relationship with technology.

Additional Features

  1. Cultural Context: The book was written during the first summer of the coronavirus pandemic, providing a cultural and historical backdrop that adds depth to the narrative.
  2. Musical Improvisation Writing Process: The writing process was likened to musical improvisation, where both the human author and the AI responded to each other’s inputs in real-time, creating a harmonious and fluid narrative.
  3. Bold Typography: To distinguish between the human and AI-generated content, the book uses different typography. Allado-McDowell’s words are printed in bold serif, while the AI’s content is in sans-serif roman.

Drawing from the information gathered from various sources, “Pharmako-AI” stands as a testament to the potential of AI in reshaping the literary landscape and challenging our perceptions of authorship and creativity.